In 1969, the first Educo program was founded in British Columbia with the belief that each of us has innate leadership skills and through outdoor adventures, these skills can be developed and enhanced.
These wilderness experiences included service learning, environmental stewardship, wilderness travel and personal development workshops.
In 1988, a second independent Educo program was started here in Colorado.
The Educo School of Colorado, also known simply as Educo Colorado, stayed true to the original vision of youth leadership development using experiential adventure programming, but also added a significant global citizenship component. These international youth leadership expeditions forged a global Educo community and inspired independent Educo programs to start up in countries around the world.
Currently, Educo is represented in Bulgaria, Germany, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and ourselves here in Colorado.
Educo Colorado is now Educo Leadership Adventures. We offer teen adventure trips (ages 11-17) that empower kids to take on leadership roles and own their adventure experience as well as our Educo Adventure Camp (ages 10-13) based in Red Feather lakes that serves as a summer camp the way camp was meant to be. Additionally, we will run international global citizenship expeditions and have also added community based programs collaborating with local youth serving organizations to enhance the lives of kids who would otherwise not have the opportunity.
Educo Leadership Adventures has served more than 10,000 future leaders since 1988.