During WWII, so the legend goes, a couple of greenhorn airborne paratrooper soldiers were trying to bolster their courage before their first jump.
One said to the other, "You're scared about the first jump tomorrow, I'll bet."
"Nope, not a bit," paratrooper replied. Having recently seen a movie about the exploits of Geronimo, he said, "I'll yell, 'Geronimo!' when I jump out the door." Next day, true to his word, the trooper yelled, "Geronimo!" for all his fellow soldiers to hear, and the word became part of the American lexicon.
That's the story of yelling "Geronimo."
So it's in this spirit of fun and play that this Jeronimo! came to be. To learn more about Geronimo, go to http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Rapids/9755/geronimo.html